Our Unchangeable God

Malachi 3:6 {” I am the Lord. I DO NOT CHANGE: therefore you are not consumed, you sons of Jacob “}  God is the One Person you can depend upon who will not change up on you. HIS NATURE NEVER CHANGES. He’ll never become someone whom you cannot trust. His loving PERSONALITY is consistent. His graceful PERSONAGE is constant at all times. Although He has DIFFERENT EXPRESSIONS;  nevertheless His PERFECT NATURE IS THE SAME AS ALWAYS. Because God is LOYAL TO HIS COVENANT WORD, it is utterly impossible for Him to Lie.  He is FULL of love~ STEADFAST in faithfulness~ WRAPPED with compassion~ CLOTHE in righteousness & EMBEDDED with humility & goodness. He is UNCHANGEABLE.  People change~ Society change~ Culture change & Technology change; but God never does. HE DOESN’T UPGRADE.  He is longsuffering enough to give ALL OF US many opportunities to abandon our backsliding heart, and backward ways, to RETURN UNTO HIM, so He can give us A NEW HEART that is ONE WITH HIS NATURE AND SPIRIT. God told Israel that they are not consumed, because HIS LOVE FOR THEM HAS NOT CHANGED, and no matter how hardened they were; HE WOULD STILL LOVE THEM. In His Covenant to them, HE SAID THAT HE WILL LEAVE A REMNANT, and not utterly forsake them. So you see, it’s not a question of GOD’S LOVE FOR US: it’s a question of OUR LOVE FOR HIM. He has already proved His love for us when he sent Jesus TO REDEMN US FROM OUR SINS. Now we need to show our love for Him by RESPONDING POSITIVELY TO THE DRAWING CONVICTION OF HIS SPIRIT upon our uncircumcised heart.  

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