{Living With Purpose}

God does NOTHING without a purpose in mind: and neither should we. God has an EXACT REASON for all things that He does, and allows.

MAN was created for God’s glory; and God CROWNED man with His glory and with His honor: therefore God wanted & also intended for man to LIVE IN THAT SAME GLORY & HONOR for which he was crowned.

He had a purpose for MAN’S CREATION, and for the world’s creation. He has a purpose in HIS CHURCH for which Christ Jesus purchased with His own blood.

God created man for FELLOWSHIP & UNION with Himself, and the earth as man’s beautiful home. The Church of CHRIST which is His body is also for COMPLETE FELLOWSHIP, LOVE, & WORSHIP of Him, and thus, for His glory & pleasure.~Rev.4:11)

Let us live our life with the PLEASURE OF GLORIFYING GOD; and of service to Him, His people, and fellowman. There are GREAT REWARDS, and also BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS that await those who serve according to HIS purpose, plan, and callings on their life.~PS.31:19/ 1.Cor.2:9)

Set your GOALS accordingly; and aim HIGH: because your calling is high, and the price is high to walk in the ANOINTING of that calling. When the Lord endows you with a greater ANOINTING; then it is for a greater CAUSE, and requires a greater CONSECRATION: but it is well worth the price to live that LIFE, and to walk in that PATHWAY of duty.

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