[Guard Against Covetousness]

St.Luke 12:15~ And Jesus said unto them: take heed, and BEWARE OF COVETOUSNESS: for a man’s life does not CONSIST of the abundance of the things which he possesses.

{ Jesus is responding to someone in His company who asked Him about dividing an INHERITANCE AMONG BROTHERS. }

Your real life is not made up of WHAT YOU OWN, nor of how much you own. Your life is composed of WHO YOU ARE; not of what you have.

For an EXAMPLE: Jesus was born in a stable, but He was the SON OF GOD: He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, but He was was a MASTER: He humbled Himself as a servant, but He was standing KING. His IDENTITY was in who He was; not in whatever He possessed upon this earth.

Please don’t misunderstand me: there’s nothing wrong with having STUFF: but don’t let it ALTER who you really are in CHARACTER, or in personality, or in who God chose you to be.

Guard yourself against GREED & COVETOUSNESS of any kind. Protect your heart from THE LOVE OF IT, and from getting to the point that nothing and nobody matters except you and it.

God wants His children to GAIN & MAINTAIN: but He also wants us to exercise CONTROL & RESTRAINT: and to constantly be aware that our first love is always HIM: not things.

(God always give us BETTER)

In Christ Jesus, we have BETTER IN EVERYTHING. God not only gives us ANOTHER chance to be able to enter into His glorious presence without having to bring animal sacrifices; but we have a BETTER OPPORTUNITY than before: because we are forgiven, saved, and covered by and in the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS; who have made a way through the veil of His flesh for us to enter God’s presence, and to become THE CHILDREN OF GOD.

We have a better COVENANT, a better STANDING, a better FELLOWSHIP, and a better LIFE: because serving the Lord Jesus Christ gives us a NEW KIND OF LIFE; without all the bondages of our old life before we came to Him. We have a better HOPE through Him. {Hebrews 7:19/ 22/) Heb.8:6)

Everything BECOMES better for us, even now, and also in the end; when CHRIST JESUS and His righteousness is ACCEPTED INTO IT.

We have NEW & BETTER OPPORTUNITIES to be, and do what we were suppose to be doing in the first place: and that is being able to FULFILL our calling, our ministry, and our destiny in God; from the foundation of the world, by being PREDESTINED IN CHRIST to do it.

I believe that anyone who TRULY HAS CHRIST IN THEIR LIFE; can say with boldness & clarity that THEIR LIFE is better with Him~ than without Him.

{Living With Purpose}

God does NOTHING without a purpose in mind: and neither should we. God has an EXACT REASON for all things that He does, and allows.

MAN was created for God’s glory; and God CROWNED man with His glory and with His honor: therefore God wanted & also intended for man to LIVE IN THAT SAME GLORY & HONOR for which he was crowned.

He had a purpose for MAN’S CREATION, and for the world’s creation. He has a purpose in HIS CHURCH for which Christ Jesus purchased with His own blood.

God created man for FELLOWSHIP & UNION with Himself, and the earth as man’s beautiful home. The Church of CHRIST which is His body is also for COMPLETE FELLOWSHIP, LOVE, & WORSHIP of Him, and thus, for His glory & pleasure.~Rev.4:11)

Let us live our life with the PLEASURE OF GLORIFYING GOD; and of service to Him, His people, and fellowman. There are GREAT REWARDS, and also BOUNTIFUL BLESSINGS that await those who serve according to HIS purpose, plan, and callings on their life.~PS.31:19/ 1.Cor.2:9)

Set your GOALS accordingly; and aim HIGH: because your calling is high, and the price is high to walk in the ANOINTING of that calling. When the Lord endows you with a greater ANOINTING; then it is for a greater CAUSE, and requires a greater CONSECRATION: but it is well worth the price to live that LIFE, and to walk in that PATHWAY of duty.

{God FIRST: not Second or Last}

{St.Mt. 22:37} Thou shalt LOVE the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, ALL your Soul, and with ALL your Mind. This is the FIRST and great commandment.

It just seems that we express and emphasize LOYALTY AND FAITHFULNESS in just about all areas of our life, except when it comes to GOD.

When we REALLY LOVE someone or something; then there is NO DOUBT in our showing and revealing our devotion & dedication.

THE LORD OUR GOD has given us a complete COMMANDMENT in the area of our affections towards Him. We are commanded to let Him become our FIRST LOVE in all aspects of our total being.

One reason for loving Him is that He ALONE deserves it: and secondly is that we will not DELIBERATELY sin against Him in our heart, and thirdly is that He can obviously give us all things that pertain to LIFE & GODLINESS & GOODNESS IN HIM.

You see, when you know that somebody TRULY LOVES YOU; then you are willing to provide them with anything within your power to bless them; and that’s the way God is also.

Jesus said this is the FIRST & GREAT commandment: meaning that all others are under this one. If we refuse to love and worship the Lord in the WAY THAT HE DESIRES; then there is no use in doing anything else in His name, because it will be clearly in vain.

We cannot CONSTANTLY DISOBEY HIM; and claim to love Him: because that is not only LIVING A LIE; but it is speaking with Lying Lips. Jesus said in St.John 14:15~21 that IF we love Him; then we will keep His commandments. Listen: that is not a hard thing to do. It is easy: because HE is a easy person to Love.

(NEVER disagree with God)

(JOB 38:1~41) God is All KNOWING, All POWERFUL, All SOVEREIGN. He KNOWS more than us, and He can SEE farther than us.

He knows the past, present, and the future. He never makes a MISTAKE, although some people think differently. He never makes an ERROR in anything that He says or does. He is RIGHT all the time and every time.

We are His CREATION: therefore the creator is GREATER, and is knowledgeable about all things concerning all that He created.

If someone disagrees with the Lord; then THEY are clearly wrong. He had to straighten JOB out with this by asking him: “ JOB, where were you when I laid the FOUNDATIONS of the world?

Where were you when I laid the MEASURES thereof? The Lord asked JOD a series of questions that he clearly could not answer: because JOB was a mere human whom the Lord Himself created like the rest of us. (Job 38:4-8)

So why would we DISPUTE OR DISAGREE with the lord about anything? Whatever HE says~ do it. There is always a reward for the OBEDIENT, and a consequence for the DISOBEDIENT.

{Becoming A Greater You}

{St.Mark 10:43…Whosoever will be GREAT among you will be your MINISTER.}.

There are times when you must first DESCEND~ before you will ASCEND. In other words: one must go DOWN before they can come up. A good example is this: when a SEED IS PLANTED; it will take root DOWNWARD, and then later on in growth, then it will ascend UPWARD in order to flourish and bring forth produce.

People are not just automatically Great. They all must start in INFANCY in some area: even kings and princes and noblemen.

Serve the Lord and His people with good motives, stewardship, humility, diligence, and Integrity: and you will be great in God’s SIGHT; and He will make you great in the sight of men.

(St. Mark 10:44~ Whoever of you will be the CHIEFEST; will be servant of all.) Being a leader is not as easy as some people may think. You must be a RESPONSIBLE person; because you will be held responsible in many ways for those who are under your leadership & guidance. Jesus says in VERSE 43 of the same chapter that whoever will be great among you; will be your MINISTER. In other words, the great one in your midst will be the one to minister to them ALL, and be the servant of them ALL.

This is how you BECOME a greater you in the Lord. He EXALTS those who humble themselves UNTO HIM.

{Transformed TO BE Transparent}

Romans 12:1~2 { I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that YOU present your bodies a LIVING sacrifice; holy, and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable SERVICE. And be not CONFORMED to this world, but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that you may PROVE what is the good, acceptable, and perfect WILL OF GOD.}

As Christians, we live by DIFFERENT STANDARDS, VALUES, AND MORALS, than the unGodly: or in other words, those who do not serve God: therefore we are not to allow ourselves to be any longer FOLLOWING, CATERING, & CONFORMING to the pattern, influence, or to every worldly move that’s trending.

Instead, we are to let the Holy Ghost continue to TRANSFORM, CHANGE, & RENEW our mind and thoughts with what is GOOD~ PLEASING~ and ACCEPTABLE in the sight of the Lord.

THIS is how we live Godly in an ungodly world, and in a culture and society where most people are doing what is right IN THEIR OWN EYES. This is the Will of God for His people.

It is His Will that we live so that the LIGHT OF CHRIST is seen in us by the difference that Christ has made in OUR own lives. You see, our LIFE is our light; just like JESUS LIFE was the Light of men. (St.John 1:4)

What is the EXCHANGE?

{ St.Matthew 16:26~ For what is a man PROFITED; if he shall gain the WHOLE WORLD, and lose his soul? or WHAT shall a man give in exchange for his soul? }

The thing is this: the world, and ALL that is in it, will not last forever, and will EVENTUALLY pass away: but your soul will live FOREVER somewhere: because your spirit is an eternal being, and does not have a body of clay and dust like your natural body does.

So Jesus is asking here: what will you gain even if you have all the world’s WEALTH, FAME, AND SUCCESS; but in the end, your soul is ETERNALLY LOST?

You cannot take ANYTHING of this world’s goods with you when you DIE: but then your soul will DEPART into eternity: and if we have heaped up everything on Earth, and have sowed ONLY all our time, effort, energy, & LIFE to this world: but have not SOWN our lives into the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN; then why would we expect to LIVE in the kingdom of heaven?

There is nothing anyone can GIVE to God in an exchange for their soul. We must make sure our priorities are in order. We must put the SAVING OF OUR SOUL FIRST: and keep it first: whether we live in prosperity or not~here on earth.

Our spirit is an ETERNAL BEING: so we need to serve the ETERNAL GOD; and we will be given ETERNAL LIFE through His Son Jesus Christ. {1st. John 2:16~17}

{Look for the EXIT}

{1. Cor.10:13~ There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is COMMON to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted ABOVE what you are able to bear; but will with the temptation also make a Way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.}

{God ALREADY had a way out~BEFORE you even went in.}

No matter what the TEMPTATION may be: there is a way of ESCAPE that God has made for you. This escape ROUTE is to be taken so that you may be ABLE to bear it.

You see! some trials & temptations are HARD TO OVERCOME: and WITHOUT the Lord making a way out of it for us; we would not be able to bear it~ withstand it~ or prevail over it.

When the adversary is ALLURING & ENTICING you in certain areas, or in particular situations; then LOOK for the exit sign: because you have one.

Just know that the Lord will not ALLOW you to be tempted above your LIMITATIONS. He will come through for you just like He has all the OTHER TIMES when you called upon Him.

{Rejoice Anyway}

{St.John 16:33} These things have I spoken unto you that IN ME you might have peace: IN THE WORLD; you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Just because we get FRUSTRATED~ doesn’t mean that we are not FAVORED BY GOD. You see, God’s favor is upon our life because we are His Children: frustration comes just because we are IN THIS WORLD.

Jesus tells us to be of good cheer, simply because He has already overcome the world, and that includes ALL THAT COMES WITH IT: and so because He has overcome; we can do the same through Him, because GREATER is He that is in us, than he ( the evil one) that is in the world.

Once we are in heaven; there are NO OPPOSITION: but since we are in the earth, there will not JUST be opposition; but there are OPPORTUNITIES as well: so that we can advance toward soul winning, and getting the gospel out, and building up the body of Christ.

Here on this earth, we must ENDURE many things; but as long as we hold out, and endure UNTO THE END (St. Matthew 24:13/ St. Mark 13:13) then we are sure that God is pleased with our perseverance, and we shall be saved, and rescued from this TEDIOUS JOURNEY. I encourage you to rejoice anyway; regardless of what takes place; because YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE: as long as you keep the faith, and stay with God: you will make it through: and simply because His grace is SUFFICIENT for all, and anything that you encounter.


Just because you are UNCOMFORTABLE where you are; doesn’t mean that God didn’t SENT YOU THERE.

There will be OPPOSITION: but there will also be OPPORTUNITIES for you to complete the mission. The Lord will BLESS, PROSPER & give you FAVOR in the place you are assigned: simply because of your willingness to be OBEDIENT to the His Will.

REST in the Lord, and watch Him WORK IT OUT.


The Lord anoints us for DESTINY & PURPOSE. He chooses our mission and our assignments: and He gives each of us the AUTHORITY & ANOINTING for all of it.

He also PROVES & TRAINS us through various experiences; so we will be ready for EVERY GOOD WORK, and be a proven vessel that is fit for the Masters use. {2.Tim.2:20-21}

He anoints us by HIS SPIRIT which empowers our spirit, mind, and body to perform the tasks GIVEN TO US. {Eph.3:16}

{Stay With The Lord}

St.Matthew 22:37~…..Thou shall love the Lord thy God with ALL your heart, and with ALL your soul, and with ALL your mind. This is the FIRST & GREAT commandment.

This was Jesus answer to one of the Pharisee Lawyers who came to tempt by trying to TRAP HIM THROUGH QUESTIONS.

Our FIRST PRIORITY & DUTY is to God by loving & serving Him with all that’s within us: then others are next. Jesus made it clear that our Father God is second to NONE: but are to become FIRST to all.